Published on October 14, 2022
Well, find out here.
I have long been an unapologetic lover of the great majority of the eponymous Rosé, Provence has gained such acclaim for. Though of late, perhaps as the leaves begin to fall and the palate whets with it, I find myself favouring something with a little more body and versatility from the region. From the Distilleries et Domaines de Provence comes the decadently dry, but oh so sweet, RinQuinQuin (Pronounces Ran-can-can). A peach infused vermouth made by macerating seven species of regionally produced peach, their very delicate leaves and a mixture of herbs and sugar within white wine produced on the massif (mountainous area) of Luberon.
Under the category of quinquina (Can-keen-A); an aromatised wine that traditionally contain Cinchona bark. This is the plant where we derive the vital ingredient to which Tonic Water gets is acclaim; quinine. I certainly can’t speak for the medicinal benefits of the ingredient once imbued with alcohol though as an aperitif, it’s used exceptionally.
As the seasons cycle, so does the focuses of flavour. Watermelon and Pink Grapefruit have dominated this summer, with a whole host of new products and cocktails reaching the masses. The rich boys of flavour are stepping in as the falling frost has us looking for just a little more out of our liquid libations. Berry, plum & peach have always been keen favourites of bar & kitchen alike, though now more than ever through simplicity of serve and refinement of flavour directives from bartenders, consumer demand and bartender exploration has never been so well aligned.
This bad boy works neat. A wee dram topped up with soda shows off all those wonderful dry herbaceous notes. Swap that with ginger ale and you’ve got yourself an all-day sweet sipper. Add some cava or Champagne and you’ve got a spritz. Halve the measure and fortify with a double measure of a good whisky in a highball and you’re on the way to an ice tea that Arizona and Lipton’s couldn’t touch with all the new flavours in the world.
VERSATILITY is the word that can but not; escape from the lips when pondering over the characteristics of RinQuinQuin. Martini, Cinzano, Noilly Prat and Dubonnet (another quinquina) have circulated UK pubs and bar for years, due to their versatility in mixing and orexigenic properties though with the rise of cocktails, people want so much more from their modifiers. Less straight sugar and more balanced sweetness.
I’ll be drinking this one right through November to spring by swapping out the Crème de Peche de Vigne (Peach Liqueur) in a Peach Head with RQQ a la Peche.
40ml Spearhead Single Grain Scotch Whisky
20ml RinQuinQuin
10ml Lemon Juice
10 Mint Leaves
Clap Mint leaves (Never Muddle Mint – Ew.)
Pour all ingredients over Ice. Shake Shake Shake.
Add Ice to a highball glass.
Double Strain (Hawthorn & Fine – No one likes ice crystals in their drink)
Top with Ginger Ale.
Sip, sit and smoulder as you channel your inner Parisian; sure that the mountains, flora and fauna have spend centuries forming, simply to give you this day. The most perfect of all days. (When really, you’re watching the clock for home time and you’ve told Tommy he’s on his last one four times now and you’re contemplating whether you can blag another “keg change” to escape Sandra telling you about the newest in the line of series of soul mates. It’s not all bad though. I’m sure this one will be different.)
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Matt Searles
Matt is DWUK’s own Spirit Expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry, ready to bring passion and flavour to the world of spirits. He is driven to diversify our customer offerings by further exploring flavour profiles and tasting notes. Matt also wants to educate our customers so they can be the best they can be with the right tools and a bit of fun!
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